Comparing Coffee Shop Interactions

An interesting observation between the U.S. and Italy is the contrast in social interactions. Particularly we observed the differences between social interactions in U.S. coffee shops vs ones in Florence. Overall I found many of the social interactions to be similar to that of the U.S. but there were some contrast differences. Often in the U.S. if people did not have to grab the coffee and run they often found a spot in the shop and would keep to themselves, sometimes talking to the hostess, but many times people kept conversations to a minimum. In Florence it was a little different. I found that while some people did keep conversation to a minimum, often times people would interact with each other a little more.

I believe this was also due to the structure of the shops, a few of the shops I have visited thus far in Florence had seating near or at the register, which promoted social interactions, unlike in the U.S. From what I have seen so far if there is no one to talk to customers would often carry conversation with the hostess and workers. I honestly felt more welcome, and in a sense more comfortable in the Italian coffee shops, I feel like people here value social interactions in those settings more and building trusting relationships between each other. While there were some similarities between the two I believe here in Florence relationships and social interactions are more valued.

-- N.M.


  1. How does the Florence coffee compare/differ to US coffee ??? Strength ??? taste?? specific flavor notes ??? Surely there are some professional coffee drinkers in the group that can elaborate on that.


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