Is Florence a Sustainable City?

After our tour of Florence yesterday, I took a moment by myself to really process all that we learned and observed during the tour. As Florence is a popular tourist destination, I was really impressed with the cleanliness of the city. As far as transportation goes, most people use zero emission ways of travel, which is really impressive. Personally, I felt safer walking than I did when we were in a car.  I was really impressed with the waste management here. not only did they have multiple bins for you to separate your trash on the streets, even the restaurants and businesses were doing it! I am hoping we get the chance to talk oto someone further about how they make choices with their waste. The most impressive thing for me related to their sustainability was their switch from plastic--it's amazing and shows that it is truly an unnecessary material. I would say Florence is a doing well in terms of sustainabilty.
I think Boone could learn about waste management from Florence and the impact accessibly has on people's choices when it comes to waste. I think Boone and ASU could learn something about the reduction of plastic consumption as that is the biggest aspect we can control...together.


  1. Keep these pictures coming ....all of us in Boone are all living vicariously through your once in a lifetime trip !


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